


in Ukraine

Every Child Should See the Sun


Our partner school of the Communal institution “Chernihiv Training and Rehabilitation Center” of Chernihiv Regional Council was founded in the year 1957.

The school has 58 educators, 32 technical staff, 1 ophthalmologist, 1 pediatrician and 1 nurse. The school offers education and rehabilitation for by 131 Children; 5 totally blind, 105 children with visual impairment, 19 children with cerebral palsy and 2 blind deaf.

The objectives of the school is the education, upbringing and rehabilitation of children with special educational needs caused by developmental defects.

Contact Infromation:

14034, Ukraine, Chernihiv region, city of Chernihiv, street 1April, 56

Tel.: +38 (04622) 3-42-12
Fax: +38 (04622) 3-42-12
E-mail: sunshinechidsz@ukr.net

Responsible persons:

Sustainable Development Community e. V. - Every child should see the sun

Zhitnyak Olena Vasylivna – director of the communal institution “Chernihiv Training and Rehabilitation Center” of the Chernihiv Regional Council

Amjad Ayoubi – „Chairman of Sustainable Development Community e. V.“

Financial and technical assistance from foreign governments, international or non-governmental organizations:

ProForKids (Foundation Humanitarian Projects for children in Ukraine), financial assistance for ongoing repairs in school premises (2014-2015).

Project “Every child should see the sun”:


Ukraine, Chernihiv region, city of Chernihiv, street 1April, 56.

Tasks of the project:

In order to develop and improve the organization of ophthalmic care for the visually impaired children, the project “Every child should see the sun” is being implemented for the improvement and maintenance of visual functions, prevention of blindness and disability. The objectives of the project are: the purchase of ophthalmic equipment and diagnostic and medical computer programs to provide the necessary modern level of medical assistance on the use of the latest standards and technologies for the treatment of visual impairment and vision correction in a training and rehabilitation center.

Detailed description of the project:

The educational-rehabilitation center is a comprehensive educational institution whose purpose is to realize the right to education for children with disabilities and children with special educational needs, caused by complex developmental defects and diseases of the visual analyzer, their integration into society, through complex rehabilitation measures aimed at improvement and rehabilitation.

The Chernihiv Regional Educational and Rehabilitation Center, Chernihiv Oblast Council, is engaged in education, upbringing and medical rehabilitation, which provides comprehensive therapeutic and prophylactic measures, which include dietary nutrition, pleopto-orthoptic hardware and medical treatment, exercise therapy.

The project “Every Child Should See the Sun” includes the installation of ophthalmic equipment and diagnostic computer complexes to ensure the high quality of diagnosis and treatment of children using modern methods and equipment in order to reduce disability and improve the quality of life of children with vision problems.

Therapeutic and pedagogical work with children who have vision problems involves an integrated approach. For each child, an individual program of medical and pedagogical rehabilitation is being developed, which makes it possible to significantly improve the result of the adaptation and socialization of children with special educational needs.

Population that will benefit from the project:

Students of the educational-rehabilitation center in the amount of 111 children: 20 – are in an individual form of training in the state of health – cerebral palsy, 91 – collective form of training.

Expected results of the project:

Effective use of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment makes it possible to detect and prevent the progression of the disease in a timely manner, to preserve and improve visual functions, which will improve the quality of life and social adaptation of the child. Children are our future.

Estimated cost of the project:

18725€ for the ophthalmologic equipments (Table 1)

977.11€ for the additional needs (Table 2)

* the recipient undertakes to pay the bank fee for the conversion of currencies (the size is determined depending on the amount of the grant, about 6000 UAH.)

List of the goods/services required:

1 Purchase of medical ophthalmic equipment + additional needs (Table 2)
2 Delivery of equipment Included in the price
3 Installation and adjustment of equipment Included in the price
4 Warranty service Included in the price

Duration of the project: One Year.

1Ophthalmoscope mirror OZ-5, Ukraine
Офтальмоскоп дзеркальний ОЗ-5
2Electrophthalmostimulator "FOSFEN-MINI", Ukraine
Електроофтальмостімулятор "ФОСФЕН-МІНІ"
3Apparatus ADPT-4 "Rainbow" (for dynamic ophthalmochromotherapy)
Апарат АДФТ-4 «Радуга» (для динамичної офтальмохромотерапії)
4The device "LAST-01" (for laser therapy and laser stimulation)Апарат «ЛАСТ-01» (для лазеротерапії та лазеростимуляції)317001019.32
5A device for training accommodation Ruchek
Апарат для тренування акомодації Ручеек
6Apparatus spectral ophthalmic ASO-3um
Апарат спектральний офтальмологічний АСО-3ум
7Ambilopanorama (sequential image effect)
Амблиопанорама (ефект послідовного образу)
8Mucostimulator MKS-Ts
Макулостимулятор МКС-Ц
9Test case (universal), BF-5470 China
Оправа пробная универсальная Bicoh BF-5470 для подбора линз
10Massage device - Vacuum glasses AMVO-01, Russia
Аппарат массажний – вакуумні окуляри АМВО-01
11Amblyokortm-01-30 Optimal Comlex for visual acuity reduction
Комлекс для відновлення гостроти зору „Амбліокортм-01-30” оптимальний
108779.1 UKH18724.48 €
No.ArticleSingle priceQty.Price in UAHPrice in €
1Duxbury Braille-Ukrainian Translator™ (DBT™) for Windows (Single-user license) - 12.3SR123043.68123043.68724.21
2Contrast bar on 80 mm stage (Контрастная полоса на ступени 80 мм)303090028.94
3A set of stickers for braille keyboard marking (Набор наклеек для маркировки клавиатуры брайлем)325103250104.51
4Sticker on glass or clear plastic (Наклейка на стекло или прозрачный пластик)303901. February 1989
5Double tactile pad (Двойная тактильная накладкаДвойная тактильная накладка)2755137544.21
6Rubber pad on stage НС44-Р, self-adhesive tape (Резиновая накладка на ступень НС44-Р на самоклейке)18010180057.88
7Relief physical card of hemispheres for the blind (Рельєфна фізична карта півкуль для сліпих)450145014.47
30908.68977.11 €

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