


in Guatemala

Santa Maria de Jesus

Santa Maria de Jesus Overview In Santa Maria de Jesus there is a constant undersupply of water. […]

Collect: 400000 Donate
In der Ukraine

chirurgisches Nahtmaterial und Tourniquets für die Ukraine

Gemeinsam Leben retten: Unterstützung für die Ukraine mit chirurgischem Nahtmaterial und Tourniquets Liebe Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer, wir […]

Collect: 3.500 € Spenden/Donate
in Ukraine

Chernihiv City Hospital No.3

The Chernihiv City Hospital No.3 began on July 3, 1983 as an infirmary of the Chernihivv Radio […]

Collect: At least 150,000 € Donate
in Ukraine

Ambulance for the cityhospital No.3 in Ukraine

Do you want to literally save lives? here is your opportunity! The operations team of our partner […]

Collect: 9500 Donate
in Ukraine

Wheelchair Van For Ukraine

Help us purchase a wheelchair van to provide wheelchaire people with a better mobility […]

Collect: 5900€ Donate
In Ukraine


The NGO Integration was established in 2013 by people on wheelchairs in order to involve people with […]